Why is incurring debt not always a bad money-management strategy and may actually represent a good investment?

2017-12-11 2:12 am

回答 (3)

2017-12-11 2:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you can get a greater return on your investment than the cost of servicing the debt, including payment of interest and reduction of principal, then it's foolish to not do this.
2017-12-11 5:01 am
when the debt incurred in something that is going to generate income in the future
2017-12-11 2:26 am
Why not use somebody else's money to fund a project instead of your own?

Look at the majority of homes that are purchased by borrowing money for a mortgage. This allows people to buy a home they would otherwise never be able to afford. As long as you can service the debt, it can be a great thing to use debt financing.
2017-12-11 2:17 am
not today not today too many fingers in the pie some of us used to be mechanics plumbers bricklayers carmakers carpenters even candlestick makers now we all are in finance and the dog

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