Solve x=-2y^2+16y?

2017-12-10 5:02 am

回答 (4)

2017-12-10 6:29 am
Solution of an algebraic problem with 2 variables such as 'x' and 'y' need 2 equations. (Ans.)
2017-12-10 5:24 am
x = -2y (y - 8)

Roots are (0, 0) and (0, 8)
Min (32, 4)
Parabola opening to the left
2017-12-10 5:08 am
Are you trying to solve for y in terms of x?
x = -2y² + 16y
-1/2 x = y² − 8y
-1/2 x + 16 = y² − 8y + 16
16 − 1/2 x = (y − 4)²
±√(16 − 1/2 x) = y − 4
y = 4 ± √(16 − 1/2 x)
2017-12-10 5:05 am
"Solve" has a multitude of meanings. WHAT do you want to "solve" exactly? WE are not mind-readers. Be specific.

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