need help on physics?

2017-12-08 12:59 pm
A(n) 0.198 kg baseball is thrown with a speed
of 21.5 m/s. It is hit straight back at the
pitcher with a final speed of 10.4 m/s.
What is the magnitude of the impulse delivered
to the ball?
Answer in units of kg · m/s.

part 2) Find the average force exerted by the bat on the ball if the two are in contact for 0.00104 s. Answer in units of N

回答 (1)

2017-12-08 4:50 pm
Impulse delivered to the ball, J
= mv₂ - mv₁
= (0.198 kg) × (10.4 m/s) - (0.198 kg) × (-21.5 m/s)
= 6.32 kg•m/s

Force, F
= ma
= m(v₂ - v₁)/t
= 0.198 kg × [(10.4 m/s) - (-21.5 m/s)] / (0.00104 s)
= 6070 kg•m/s²
= 6070 N

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