Im looking for a good laptop for a college student. I'll mainly do research and internet browsing and maybe download a game or 2?

2017-12-08 11:45 am

回答 (4)

2017-12-08 10:18 pm
is weight an issue? have you considered a 2 in 1? how about something like a Surface Pro?
2017-12-08 11:26 pm
look at Latitudes and elitebooks on ebay. they go for less than $300 and some have GPU just look for 2.5GHz 2nd gen i5 or better/newer and 6GB of ram or more. and an SSD will make u so happy bro
2017-12-08 1:02 pm
Maybe download a game or 2? What kind? Some blockbuster title that need well endowed gaming-grade laptop to run it satisfactory? I assume that is so, not some Chromebook-grade games off a web browser. Given that is the case, anything that barely satisfies this requirement is going to fill your other needs splendid with extra horse power to spare (and wasted BTW)
2017-12-08 11:46 am

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