堅持自己對的十三件事情之"執意的堅持"To "chore-tine",please infer to form an opinion from making, writing this 600 words essay-compositions with translation from E/C quick based on something called YK+>-執意的堅持.
Insist is to declare firmly,esp.in the face of doubt or opposition.Also to say firmly that someone should do something, Or that that something should happen by "chore-tine" that she insisted that it was her 600 words essay to hand-in as her homework in this one word "Abstract" composition..執意的堅持:-堅持乃堅定,頑強地堅持立埸論説下去.
(1)She insists on discipline in the class.(堅持守秩序的普世價値帶來好處)
(2)She insists on iphone games that she was right.Her perseverance with the new technique will pay off.(堅持追上潮流,人工智能,帶來通訊好處的科學普世價值去堅持立場和意志,絲毫不勳搖)And
She insists on having an exchange of student abroad her turn this year.She insists that she is showing an ingenious mind towards science subjects, not arts.(堅持學術自由才有色彩絢丽人生)
(3)She had no connection with drug-trafficking if arrest by police,because she still insists her critics are wrong. (堅持不空虛,不罪惡,不染壞處,會帶來好處)
(4)She insists that everyone should come to her X'mas party,insists upon checking dancing dress.(堅持小心謹慎及大器量度)
(5)She insists on washing her hair just when parents to have a bath before the Party.(不頂咀乃善意謊言)
(6)She insists on the standards of cleanliness in the bathroom.(堅持個人衛生帶來好處)
She insisted that it was her turn to drive when drunk at the party after her bathing.(反覆思考,小心謹慎,因事無大小也)
(7)If PE teacher insists spoken used when agreeing to do something sex that you"=chore-tine" do not really want to to do:-""Why don't you call other girls up tonight,I insist --Not counting me as "#metoo""--I insist !(堅持拒絕性侵犯而潔身自愛情操,堅守氣節堅貞不屈)(執意的堅持)
(8)She insists that it is her turn to chose her favoured boy-friend ,although it may take some perseverance to find the right one..(堅持選擇配偶,甚至挨父母駡)
(9)She has been adamant (=unyielding;firm in purpose) and insists about keeping her private life private, she insists.(小心謹慎個人私隱權)
(9)She is insisting on immediate repayment after cheating her out of her money in a poor series of planned shopping activity(小心奸商善意謊言的壞處)(執意的堅持)
(10)She insisted on her innocence on the truth of her 600 essays, even though the teacher of "chore-tine" refused to believe her.She insists that the Boss should come to compromise with her on her future academic achievement.She shows great perseverance by staying in her career.(堅持老板僱用她及直至成功)
(11)She insists on her innocence that "chore-tine" is not surrender to intimidation(堅持不受恐嚇則意志堅定,胆大力量大而不可動搖)(執意的堅持)
(12)Don't be so innocent as to believe everything the parents say,she insists 2017.(堅持自己無知要反覆思考)
(13)In conclusion,perseverance of my continuing to try to achieve a particular aim despite difficulties is comparable to HK Lawyer Ms Yu york-mui who said that "Show great perseverance in the face of difficulty"(結論如大律師余若微所說-堅持可克服困難).願我們堅持不懈,不屈不撓,堅守信念,意志堅定而堅持立場而至令人欽佩.
這是我剛才隨便寫的 你可以把內容改成比較有自己的風格 就是跟你自己的生活和想法更有關係的 或是把中間的例子從我曾經怎樣 改成我現在就有遇到的狀況然後我要怎樣 或是歷史故事或新聞裡面找的更有趣的例子也可以
或是你也可以發揮創意寫自己的大綱 因為我從小就只會開門見山法的論說文 所以老師一看就知道是我寫的 每個人都有不同的寫作風格 你也可以發展出自己的風格喔!
第一段: (介紹本文) 我覺得對的事情就是直接或間接對自己好的事情 一般人認為對的事情稱為普世價值 例如: 健康 安全 誠實 和平 自律 等 然而俗話說得好 盡信書不如無書 儘管眾多普世價值都已經有了自己的名稱和定義 被分門別類 讓人們學習 但我們還是要依照情況自己判斷什麼才是對自己和他人最好的選擇
第二段: (舉2個正面例子) 整潔是一個普世價值 <例1>我曾經在掃地的時候 堅持班導說的要把椅子搬到桌子上 即使後來全班只剩我一個人有搬 而感覺自己有點格格不入 但我還是為了掃地的方便而堅持做對的事情 <例2>.................................................... 堅持做自己對的事情為我帶來了好處
第三段: (舉2個反面例子) 快樂也是一個普世價值 <例1> 但我曾經為了選擇快樂而搞到自己不快樂 我當時認為念書是不快樂的 所以我盡可能地在課本上亂畫 讓老師的言語從我左耳進右耳出 但每天放學 我只有感覺到空虛和罪惡 沒有快樂 <例2>......................................................... 堅持做自己對的事情為我帶來了壞處
第四段: (自己對本文的感想)堅持做自己對的事情是用來鼓勵人們追求普世價值的一句話 但前提是我們必須去判斷情況並選擇出對自己和他人最有利的決定 如果只是一味地死守規則 例如: 不願意看情況說善意的謊言 那麼一個人被最新型的人工智慧機器人取代也是遲早的事
參考: 星雲大師,《星雲大師談讀書》,(台北:天下遠見,2002),頁197、199-200。