Should I tell my boyfriend Good morning?

2017-12-05 8:14 am
(We're both males BTW). Anyways, my boyfriend isn't the worlds strongest texter. We could be having an in-depth discussion, and he'll start replying midway. Sometimes not even texting me for a day or so. This issue kind of got me upset, and when I saw him, I told him about it, but all he did was hold me and tell me he's constantly busy with homework. Okay, I can understand, he has his own life with his own people to enjoy it with. I don't want to be pushy. His texting habits have become so minimal, he doesn't even text me good morning or good night anymore. But it's not like I myself have done that very often either. Usually I'm the one waiting for those messages. So I was thinking, if I said good morning or goodnight to him every day/night, would that be good/ encourage him to text me more? Even if he doesn't respond to my messages all day? It seems kind of ridiculous to message him about something at like 2 PM, then at 11 PM to just send a "Goodnight, Sweetheart". Or something. What do you all think?

回答 (1)

✔ 最佳答案
I think you are over thinking this, some boyfriends/girlfriends like to text a lot whereas others don't and it is not a representation of their feelings but a personal preference. I do like to text every day also and it hurts when my partner doesn't think of me as much, but i have to keep in mind their other good traits and you have to ask yourself if you are getting enough out of the relationships. Maybe you are worried it is a one sided relationship? if so, give energy to other parts of your life, like see friends and go to the movies and don't rely only on your partner for happiness. i know its easy to do as i have too, but trust he will write eventually because you are AWESOME! And keep an eye not to make more effort than him. Write but not always first and think of it like a tennis match, you can maybe bring it up down the line that you need more from a partner and maybe he will be receptive and maybe he will not, but you will either get close through good communication or realise he is not right.
Have faith in yourself and in him, but don't put all your eggs there!

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:57:55
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