How can I telepathically communicate with Tom Cruise?

2017-12-04 5:16 pm
Also, will it hurt?

回答 (4)

2017-12-04 5:33 pm
8576508888301893 call that number and enter the password "soupsnake"
2017-12-04 5:22 pm
1. Buy an expensive, name brand food processor.
2. Buy a priest costume.
3. Find a virgin to film #4.
4. Stick ur **** in said blender and press puree.
5. Get back to us and tell us how things went.
2017-12-04 5:22 pm
You can't so, no, it won't hurt.
2017-12-05 6:02 am
YOu can, but he doesn't listen, so HOW MUCH you can communcaite s ZERO

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