我想請問,如果外傭工人違反入境逗留條例,沒有在僱主家中居住,我 舉報他之後 ,程序上,入境處會如何處理這些案件?會否終止他的僱傭合約?會否出通緝令通緝她?多謝各位回覆?

2017-12-04 4:12 pm

回答 (3)

2017-12-04 8:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. The case will be assigned for investigation if the complaint has merits.

2. No. The employment agreement is between the household worker and the employer, not the Immigration Department. The Department can only terminate the visa.

3. Not necessary the case, as most violators usually will depart Hong Kong voluntarily.
2017-12-04 5:47 pm
2017-12-04 4:52 pm
並沒有規定顧工必須在顧主家居住 。


與入境處. 與法律無關。

舉報他之後 , 沒人要理你 。


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