My brothers are causing me depression and there's nothing I can do about it?

2017-12-04 11:59 am
So I'm 22 and I live with my brothers in my mom's house. They are 27 and 28. They moved in a few years back after they graduated from college and a re e trying to find jobs/pay off student loans. It's a pretty small house for the 3 of us to live in. In fact I share a room with one of them. Anyway, they are very verbally abusive to me and extremely hard on me. I try talking to them but they just don't listen. Even my mom won't say anything. She's too passive about everything. I can't move out and they can't either. They make me feel like **** and I can't do anything about it. I'm growing more and more helpless. Any advice would be appreciated

回答 (5)

2017-12-04 1:14 pm
No. They are not. Depression is an emotion. Emotions exist only in your head. Only YOU have control over what's in your head...and your emotions. Sorry, but your mother HAS to put all of you out of HER house. You're all past the age of living at home.
2017-12-05 9:54 am
i would move out anyways even if you had to go stay in a shelter and let them help you out
2017-12-04 3:22 pm
You don't have control over other people, only yourself. Thus you have to figure out a way to live with your brothers by changing yourself because you can't expect for them to change and have no control over making them act the way you want them to act. And if you can't figure out a way to live with them then you need to figure a way to move out. Its your choice to make, not theirs.
2017-12-04 2:42 pm
They can't be causing you to be magically depressed. Stop faking and stop whining.
2017-12-04 12:20 pm
idk try ignoring them, lol that's a tough situation.. seems like talking to them is not working.

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