
2017-12-04 11:55 am
2)另外,就是男方母親借住我朋友父母屋企,但男方母親未經我朋友父母同意擅自將間屋全部物品搞亂,遺失現金同部分家居用品,咁我朋友父母可否告佢家婆盜竊,但件事已發生超過1件以上,追塑期是否已過? 請幫忙解答

回答 (2)

2017-12-04 8:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Police: While it is not definitive, you can assume so; Intimidation: No. The husband has no authority to press charge or not. It is the HKSAR Government's decision.

2. Parent: No. Again, it is the HKSAR Government's job to prosecute, not your friend's parents. However, they can report the incident to the police; Statute of limitation: No. However, given the police has to gather evidence, the police will have major difficulty in investigation an incident like this that occurred a long term ago.
2017-12-04 3:37 pm


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