Legal use of force as a doormen Cleveland Ohio what could I do better?

2017-12-04 4:54 am
So situation is as followed. I was getting ready to get off my shift is a doorman and a gentleman from another table goes up to another table sits down and try to start a fight with the other table no punches are thrown just a lot of **** talking I go over I attempt to get him to go back to his table he refuses I keep Telling him to go back your table are you going to be kick out the property the police show up right away they did the same thing i did however I was less effective took them 3 minutes took me about 4 now my question is is I’m new to this how should I handle this because if I got hands-on he was not a threat to me he wasn’t making threats verbal threats that I could hear the other party he was just a belligerent drunk and he would not leave the table if I would’ve got fired or even worse sued had I gone hands on as we only go hands for self defense...

What could I hand done differently I followed my chain of command and made all attempts to remove him peacefully.

回答 (1)

2017-12-04 7:14 am
You followed chain of command. You do nothing more until he gets physical.

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