In defense of their deadly tax plan Republicans like Paul Ryan have stated that 450k pear year is LOW or middle class?
Do you agree with this batsh*t crazy statement?
回答 (10)
Deadly? Tax relief is now deadly? By tomorrow it will cause global warming. By Tuesday it will be linked to the opioid crisis.
Deadly? Dims are so pathetic they rely on other people's taxes for survival in the richest country in the world.
No, I do not agree with that batshit crazy statement, nor does any other intelligent person. Paul Ryan, nor any of those other politicians could ever live on $30,000.00 a year.
did he?
does that factor in the earnings of all the 26 year old children in the family?
i live in the Bay Area CA, and out here 450K is middle class.
maybe you should leave your moms basement, and travel the country for a while, i mean your in your 30's time to leave the nest.
Yes considering that 450K a year may include business income as well. Libtards forget that many small business owners who are the sole owner of a LLC can file a schedule C attachment to her personal income taxes. So,,,,chances are that the 450K a year is not just personal income.
How did I know when I saw this "question" that you were not going to include his actual statement?
those making $450k per year won't get as much of a tax break as those making over $5 million, so he is correct.
收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:01:02
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