What is the best diet for weight loss?

2017-12-02 10:30 pm
Should I try carb free, high protein, sugar free or any other type of diet?

回答 (7)

2017-12-03 1:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
None of the above.

The best "diet" for an overall healthy lifestyle is one that is non-restrictive, nourishing, wholesome, organic, and made up of all the food groups: (whole) grains, dairy, protein, meat, fish, poultry, healthy fats, fruits, and vegetables.

To lose weight, you'll need to eat fewer calories than your body burns. Calculate your TDEE to find out how much your body burns.
To feel good, you'll need to eat healthy.

Drink water, sleep, and exercise. Don't smoke or drink. Stop taking any unnecessary medications. Good luck.
2017-12-02 10:34 pm
Moderation and exercise.
Fad diets that restrict you from eating certain foods often lead to a lack of specific nutrients over time and plateauing, not to mention regaining of weight when you start eating normally again.
Try to opt for the healthier options, control your portion sizes, eat small meals and snacks throughout the day and exercise.
2017-12-02 10:54 pm
Starships is the only one who didn't give you bad information.

I doubt that anyone else was trying to hurt you, but that would be the result of following their advice.

Dieting ALWAYS fails.

If you really want the truth, watch the YouTube video "Sugar: the Bitter Truth" and read "Fat Chance" by Dr Robert Lustig M.D.

It's not a fad diet. It's how your diet should be but isn't.
2017-12-02 10:32 pm
Atkins or Keto
2017-12-03 12:50 pm
Low carb, high fat.
(And no processed foods, like artificial sweeteners and seed oils).
2017-12-02 11:24 pm
As star shine and Andy C said it's not about dieting. It's about lifestyle changes . Get in the habit of regular daily exercise and eating healthier while still occasionally having junk food. Not only will you lose weight you will keep it off .
2017-12-02 10:46 pm
If your currently not doing anything, any of the above would work. The fact is everyone's different. Everyone's needs are different and everyone's life style is different.

I'd suggest to pick one. Stick with it and in the mean time read up and research other opinions. When you platue change it up. Try something else. Over time you'll figure out what works best for you.

Personally if like intermittent fasting. It's easy simple and convenient. They say the very act of fasting helps lose weight even though you take in the same amount of calories when you do finally eat. I haven't found that to be true for me. But eating only two large meals a day allows me to more accurately account for calories as eating many snacks and or meals through out the day I often forget what it was I even ate or how much of it i consumed. I also eat 95% of the time, only food that's easily recognizable. That is to say, unprocessed.

That's what works for me.

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