these women claiming sexual harassment after many years isn't there a statue of limitations now and wouldn't it be dismissed in court?

2017-12-02 6:35 am

回答 (5)

2017-12-02 6:38 am
Apparently not. but honestly...if it was me I'd be scared to do that. Once the men are fired or arrested, they'll lose all their $. The fam and friends of the accused guys will do god only knows what to the women for revenge. Worst of all the revenge will never make the news.
2017-12-02 10:35 am
There are statutes of limitation for both criminal charges and civil lawsuits for sexual harassment. NEITHER apply to the 'court of public opinion'. Besides, when one of the reasons for making accusations is political, even the accuracy of the charges is rarely considered.
2017-12-02 7:05 am
None of these cases will go to court.
2017-12-02 6:48 am
They are not going to court. This is the court of public opinion, which is what decides who you vote for. Intelligent people listen to the women, read the reporting, listen to Roy Moore's story and then use their logic and common sense to figure out who's lying. It's pretty easy, since there are 40 or so witnesses who knew about all this when it was happening in addition to the women victims.
2017-12-02 6:40 am
Statute of limitations applies to criminal acts. Sexual harassment isn't a criminal act. Nobody is tried, convicted, and sentenced to jail for the crime of sexual harassment no matter when it happened. That's because it's not a crime.

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