How can I make my crush/best friend get over her ex?

2017-12-01 6:40 am
I have a crush on my girl best friend and I asked her out a few days ago. She said that she still has feelings for her ex, which I can confirm because we've been talking about that a while back.
I think she kinda likes me too, because she once ditched her friends to go say hi to me. I was out with my friends, she was out with her and I randomly texted her if she wants to just come by and say hello or something. When she got there she gave me a hug and wouldn't let go.
When we first met she found out I play the guitar and she immediately started talking about how she thinks guys who play the guitar are hot.
So I guess if she got over her ex, she'd go out with me. How could I help her with that?

回答 (2)

2017-12-01 6:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
Convince her. Say to her "I know you don't like me and all and your probably not going to go out with me but is he really worth it" and don't answer her answer make her think about you and what you said
2017-12-01 6:56 am
This post made me cringe. I'm glad I wasn't this stupid in middle and high school.

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