Is Microsoft going to shut down xbox 360 servers?

2017-11-30 7:42 am

回答 (7)

2017-11-30 8:13 am
2017-12-01 4:11 pm
My guess is probably not soon since backwards compatible 360 games can still access Xbox Live on the XB1 just the same.
2017-11-30 8:18 pm
Microsoft's top gaming boss Phil Spencer succinctly stated: "Not true." over twitter
2017-11-30 9:18 am
Not for a few years at least. Especially not after all that work getting Xbox 360 games working on the Xbox One.
2017-11-30 8:45 am
Just like they did with the original Xbox in 2010, they will do it with the 360. It will probably be another 5 or so years before they discontinue XBL for the 360 though.
2017-11-30 7:49 am
2017-11-30 7:57 am
If they do then they're going to lose a lot of money. Not everyone is willing to buy an Xbox One since that thing is more of a money dump than my PS4 Pro that I bought for under $500 with a 3 year warranty and 1tb memory.

They'll just lose money and customers to Sony.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:53:32
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