Independent contractor questions?

2017-11-28 9:42 pm
I work as an independent contractor.

As this is my first time, I have questions.

all the employees used to get paid in cash. Do other people get paid in cash?

What’s the difference between an employee and independent contractors?

I work for a company that is an out of network provider and we provide non surgical treatments.

My employer doesn’t want to get rid of me.

Can I get advice?

回答 (2)

2017-11-29 12:19 am
the word independent is the clue
as an employee you are under the control of the employer, he tells you when you will work, he tells you what you will be paid, he probably provides the equipment you will use and he will supervise the work you do--the main thing here is CONTROL
as and independent(altho most 'employers' do not realize this) you are in control, you should have a contract which you name the price you are to be paid, you indicate what you are going to do for that payment, and when the job will be completed, this means you might spend two hours or twenty hours to get the job done but it would be within the time elements that your contract agrees
unfortunately 'employers' today use this as a means of not paying their share of the FICa, possibly not covering with workmen's comp and other benies for employees
2017-11-28 10:01 pm
Most Contractors received payment by check. Cash has no paper trail.

Generally speaking, you will pay more taxes as a contractor than as an employee with the added bonus of having no benefits.

True independent contractors do not have "employers". They have "customers". As you call this company your "employer", my guess is that the company is trying to f*ck you over.

Generally speaking:

Employees - Use company equipment and supplies, work a set number of hours and under the company's direct supervision.

Independent Contractors - Use their own equipment and supplies, come and go as they please and work with limited or no supervision.

Many employers try to treat employees as contractors in order to save money but it is illegal. My guess is that this is what your "employer" is doing.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:51:22
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