How does my girl best friend feel about me?

2017-11-28 4:49 pm
We've been really close for about half a year now. I have some feelings for her but usually I just supress them.
But a few days ago I went out with a couple of friends and I drunk texted her if she wants to meet up. She almost imedately came (she was also drunk AND she ditched her friends for a few mins just to see me I guess). When she came she gave me the longest hug I ever had, it lasted for at least 10-20 seconds.
I would say that she likes me, but the problem is that whenever we text she takes a long time to reply. Her girl bestie told me that she's a super busy girl and I believe her, because when we actually do talk everything is smooth.
I told her I like a girl (didn't tell her it was her) and asked her if I should as this girl out. She said that I should.
The first or second time we met she told me she thinks that guys who play guitar are hot (right after I told her that I play). I also catch her staring at me every now and then when we're with friends.
So I'm really confused as to how she feels about me.

回答 (3)

2017-11-28 5:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I don't think that anything about your situation is "sad" like that other person said. I totally see where you are coming from. A 20 second hug is a long hug! Especially when it's from someone who isn't family!

To me it sounds like she thinks very highly of you. Heck.. she abandoned her friends to be with you! That's pretty cool. In my opinion there is a pretty good chance she has a crush on you. I think you should ask her out and see how things go!

I wish you the best! I am sorry that other person who answered was so mean to you. I've written a ton of questions on here and I get at least one jerk answering my question every time. Don't take it to heart buddy. That guy just has no life and wants to take it out on others.
2017-11-28 4:53 pm
Your longest hug you've ever had lasted only 20 seconds? Damn that is sad. I was going to say "look, you're constructing everything to be a reality you want to believe in and its unlikely she wants anything more than friendship and/or being admired or chased" but since you said that was your longest hug. You know what? Go for -- Yeah, still can't say it.
2017-11-28 5:06 pm
Go for it man

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