i hate my dad he’s a horrible father?

2017-11-28 8:54 am
in all the years of me living im 15 my dad has not done a single thing to benefit me its always been my mom with literally everything (parent teacher conferences, buying my clothes, making sure i’m in a good school, giving me money to go out, driving me places) basically everything a parent does she is there financially, emotionally, and physically. my dad is here physically but does not do anything he doesn’t buy me clothes or spend money on me he barely takes me anywhere it’s all my mom my mom does everything she pays for everything it’s like she’s a single parent but the husband is there. mind you the husband is in the picture. he always has an excuse it’s always something my mom is working 2 jobs to keep the family financially stable while he is at home sitting on his *** he doesn’t work at all when we could be. i asked him to make me dinner he said he doesn’t know how like what type of father are you ?

回答 (2)

2017-11-29 4:31 am
Sounds like your mom married a dead beat and as long as she's enabling him to be a slacker, thats all he will be. I mean, if your mom works 2 jobs and he has none...she has a right to ask him to help but if she doesn't do that you should ask her why does she allow this to happen. It is a bad reflection on you and its a bad marriage for her. There has to be a reason she allows this to happen and since she does everything for you without his help, she may not realize how it effects you. She may see it as, you are getting your needs met and she may not mind carrying the load of 2 people but it does effect you so you need to let her know that. Things may not change but you do need to share your feelings with your mom if nothing else this situation is surely effecting your relationship with your dad because as of now to you he's a horrible father....does your mom want you to feel that way about your dad? I doubt it and she needs to fix it so that you have a better vision of your dad.
2017-11-28 9:25 am
i would wonder if he didnt have some kind of mental issues with the way hes acting

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