Will President Trump get impeached in the next 3 years?

2017-11-28 12:20 am
So the dems say they will file for impeachment, but I just think it's bs and unrealistic. What do y'all think?

回答 (13)

2017-11-28 12:21 am
I do not think he will be impeached. I think he will be forced to resign.
2017-11-28 12:33 am
Democrat leaders are wetting their beds trying to come up with anything that will diminish Trump's Presidency. These so-called 'leaders' are driving patriotic, ethical Democrats out of the party in droves.
2017-11-28 12:25 am
I think that Trump will finish out his term as President but not really accomplishing anything of value. If he runs for office again in 2020 he will not be reelected.
2017-11-28 12:41 am
We are all praying he will, he's destroying our country
2017-11-28 12:22 am
Hurt feelings is not a grounds for impeachment.
2017-11-28 12:36 am
God, I hope so!!!
2017-11-28 12:34 am
bring on Mike Pence!
2017-11-28 12:21 am
lets hope Trump will be gone ASAP.
2017-11-30 9:54 am
The Cleveland Browns will have to win the Super Bowl before Donald Trump is impeached and since I don't see the Browns winning the Super Bowl this decade, I don't see Trump being impeached during his presidency.
2017-11-28 1:52 am
i doubt it,

i think resignation is more likely.

he can no longer handle [ if he ever could ] the basic duties of the Pres.

he has the beginnings of the alzheimers that slowed his father :

http://tinyurl.com/y9l8wzhm msnbc aug 2017
“…one of national security advisor, Gen. McMaster’s, challenges is keeping Trump’s attention focused in classified briefings…”
“… Trump would frequently flit between subjects…”
“Trump had little time for in-depth briefings on Afghanistan, its complicated politics and… civil war.”
“Even a single page of bullet points seemed to tax the president’s attention span said senior White House officials.”

“ ‘ I call the president the 2-minute man, ‘ said one Trump confidant. “
“ ‘he only has the patience for a half-page of bullet points. ‘ ”
“In his last 10 yrs, early stages of Alzheimer’s disease slowed Fred Trump, Donald’s father”
http://tinyurl.com/h4sfktq nytimes aug 2016
2017-11-28 12:27 am
I think it too early to talk impeachment yet, but I could see it happening after the results of the Mueller investigation and the other investigations by the senate are done; especially if Trump is implicated in any way. At that point congress, Republican led or not, won't really have a Choice. If it doesn't happen before the elections next year and the seating of the new congress in 2019, it will happen then, as I firmly believe the GOP will lose control of congress...that is just traditionally what has happened in the past. Not sure if the Dems will win majority, or if there will be a 'coalition government' comprised of R's, D's, L's, G's and Independents.
2017-11-28 12:23 am
I think it's more likely that he will resign. If he were impeached, that would be evidence of failure, and I don't think he would like solid evidence of his own failure. Though I do realize that he already denies all the other evidence of his own failure.
2017-11-28 12:21 am
i also think that

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