why do we need communism?

2017-11-27 10:11 pm
aS A TRIED AND TRUE CONservative, i cant rap my head around this commie bullshit? i spent a year in the service learing to kill the reds, and now sanders wants me to join them?

回答 (12)

2017-11-27 10:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Don’t buy anything Chinese.
2017-11-27 10:13 pm
Communism simply does not work out well. Even China found that out.
2017-11-27 10:21 pm
strange..all 10 planks of the communist manifesto by Marx have been implemented by the USA decades ago, I would suggest you study Govt. Models with a independent mind and not rely on tv and fake revisionist sources
2017-11-27 10:12 pm
We don't and never will. But thanks for asking.
2017-11-28 12:42 am
Sanders is NOT Communist. There is a big difference between Democratic Socialism and communism.
2017-11-27 10:29 pm
Hundreds of millions starved in China, Vietnam, Ukraine, etc. What we need is capitalism!
2017-11-28 12:22 am
as an alternative. likewise conservative, but not by nature, i believe there are some very good principles enshrined in communism and the idea of government by an unelected group, but the whole system falls apart, even when the population is literate and educated, because of human greed. look at uk now, as it progresses further and further towards socialism, encouraged by an appeasing nanny type gutless government. joe public wants more and more and more given foc, written off, waived, subsidised - regardless of business principles and profits for success and longevity, which will drive the nations economy to the wall, long before the effects of brexit. (uk) rarely is anyone satisfied.
2017-11-27 10:50 pm
Some people believe that people will work for the good of their fellow man and not be concerned about remuneration for hard work. Without the incentive to improve one's life, one does not put extraordinary effort into work. This is why the government-paid doctors in England went on strike twice in the past year. Especially when you notice the millions of people who just decide to not work.
2017-11-27 10:37 pm
WOW. You wont be best man at the Putin - Trump w. Who will give Donald away ?
2017-11-27 10:22 pm
Go back to school; you need to learn the difference between socialism and communism.

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