I know people say Sucide is never the answer..that it will get better... But what if its not getting any better and you know it won't.?

2017-11-27 11:22 am
What if there is no solution; what if you can't escape yourself..and you live in constant torment from your own mind, when its your own self your own thoughts ripping you to shreds .... There is no escape. There is nothing.. Can Sucide be the answer then..

回答 (35)

2017-11-29 1:38 am
Completed suicide transfers the pain and suffering of the deceased to the remaining loved ones.
So you die, but your family suffers needlessly forever.
To me, suicide is the ultimate selfish and narcissistic exit to life.

BTW---The final last straw to suicide is usually shame. Learn how to counteract shame and not let people try to shame you!
Lots of stuff on the net about counteracting shame....
2017-11-27 11:25 am
There are a lot of medications out there, surely there is one suitable for you. Also, have you tried any counselling? Visit your doctor to discuss options.
2017-11-28 4:42 am
I'm suicidal and no, its not the answer. I have good days and bad days (more bad than good), but still if you kill yourself, you won't have a chance for better days. I recommend seeing a doctor and explaining how you feel to them, maybe they can give you medication to help with the bad days.
2017-11-27 11:22 am
no, thats never the answer, you just ask god for help
2017-11-30 10:37 am
Pray. Get help. Sending prayers
2017-11-29 5:55 am
I hate to say this, but it has to be said. If you are absolutely certain that it won't get better...

You must find your inner darkness. Don't surrender yourself to it, but make a compromise. You accept defiance and despite as integral parts of your character, and in return, you get the inner strength to walk as an undeviating stoic survivor among the masses. You will suffer, but you will learn how to live wisely and accurately. And you will overcome despair from within and become invincible.
2017-12-01 6:30 pm
It's your life anything you do that doesn't physically harm anyone who doesn't consent is totally up to individual choice in my opinion. Just know that killing yourself is a lot harder than it sounds even if you do have the nerve to try, and I mean seriously try not just a suicidal jesture for attention. If it weren't I'd be long dead. I'm one of the lucky ones who didn't seriously damage myself in my multiple failed attempts. Some people (and by some I mean most,) including people who hang themselves or shoot themselves in the head, survive and live much more miserable lives than they had before.

Whatever your dealing with is nowhere near as bad as daily dialysis or being paralyzed from the neck down.
2017-12-01 11:58 am
The only reason I'm still alive is because I can't do that to my mother. She's too nice of a person. I tell you what ..suicide IS the answer to my life and there is NOONE who can tell me otherwise. It would be sweet bliss as I have completely dumped Bullshit religion 6 years ago and never looked back. So people saying it's never an answer is bullshit and they are the same ones who've been religiously brainwashed!
2017-11-27 9:25 pm
Life is the only thing you've got. Much is possible. Nothing is lost.
2017-11-29 10:44 am
I don't know this question answer

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