I need help with the algebra question, I've been stuck on it for a long time!?

2017-11-27 6:16 am
A health care worker makes a yearly salary of $67,200. She works 48 weeks out of the year and 40 hours per week. What is her salary in dollars per hour?

回答 (4)

2017-11-27 6:19 am
It is 35$/h. 67200/48/40=35. There you go
2017-11-27 11:24 pm
Hours worked = 48*40 = 1920 hours

Salary per hour worked = 67200/1920 = 35 per hour worked
2017-11-27 7:21 am
She works 48*40 hrs per year & she gains $67200 in that year, so
she gains $67200/(48*40)=$35 per hr.
2017-11-27 6:19 am
salary in dollars per hour = salary / time

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