what should i do with a cucumber in the grocery isle?

2017-11-25 2:29 pm
open to all ideas here.

回答 (20)

2017-11-25 3:15 pm
Buy it. Take it to your neighbours house. Stick it through their window and shout, "The Martians are coming!"
2017-11-26 1:02 pm
1.)Buy it first. Carve it, make yourself an artwork.
2.)Buy it. Remove the inside part and make a wind instrument.
3.)Buy it. Slice it in half, give one to a stranger. Tell to the stranger that its a gift offering. =)
4.)Buy it. Try to balance it on your forehead
5.)Buy it. Try to balance it on your nose
6.)Buy it. Get the cucumber. Hold it up like He-Man. Shout to the top of your lungs, "I HAVE THE POWER!!!"
7.Buy it. Make a pencil/pen holder cucumber. Haha, goodluck Man.
8.)Buy it. Then eat the cucumber raw in front of the cashier. Eat it noisily and eat with your mouth open. Haha dont.
9.)Buy it. Macgyver it. Car not working, use the cucumber. No keys, no problem.. use the cucumber!! ^_^
10.)Buy it. Macgyver it. Save the world using a cucumber.
11.)Hold the cucumber. Philosophize. Ask yourself the meaning of life... you guessed it. Cucumber.
2017-11-25 4:41 pm
I don't think I could say on here my friend lol.
2017-11-25 4:07 pm
Poke people with it.
2017-11-25 2:45 pm
Put it in your basket and pay for it.

What happens after that is up to you!
2017-11-28 3:17 am
slide it down the aisle really fast, and then yell "OH MY GOD!!!!!!!! Someone STOP IT!!!! It's getting away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2017-11-25 11:17 pm
Get banned from WalMart.
2017-11-25 2:29 pm
buy it
2017-11-25 2:30 pm
lube it up and massage prostates around the store with it
2017-11-26 6:07 pm
Titillate yourself, and make a cucumber Raita.
2017-11-26 3:24 pm
Shove it inside your eye socket.
2017-11-26 4:41 am
Buy it then use it to (you know what) or use it to scare your neighbor's cat. LOL
You can even use it to make pickles and eat it.
You can do a tutorial on YouTube on "How to wear a condom" and "How to give a bl0wjob" or "How to get better at giving head" with it.

Hope this helped.
2017-11-25 9:02 pm
Buy it and pickle it. Yumm!
參考: ive put up dill pickles
2017-11-28 2:01 am
Put it in your pants to make all the guys jealous
2017-11-27 6:14 pm
Pick it up and consider that you are in a grocery store. Now put on your thinking cap - what do people buy at a grocery store? Good luck figuring it out.
2017-11-27 5:41 pm
probably don't pick it up and put it back
2017-11-27 2:47 am
What a dork
2017-11-26 10:50 pm
Masturbate on it
2017-11-26 10:17 am
buy it along with lettuce tomatoes onion olives eggs chicken and make a salad.
2017-11-26 6:40 am
Stick it up your but.

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