was richard nixon the best president of the 20th century?

2017-11-25 11:09 am

回答 (9)

2017-11-25 11:16 am
Not even close
2017-11-25 1:31 pm
Nixon? You are joking, right? FDR was the best president of the 20th century.
2017-11-25 11:53 am
No, Nixon was an ultra right-wing neo-fascist. He was a prosecutor during the McCarthy "House of Un-American Activities" trials. He was the Vice-President under Eisenhower when the US violated the "1954 Geneva Agreements on Indochina" and started the Second Indochina (Vietnam) War.
2017-11-25 11:13 am
Really? Better than FDR? Or John Kennedy?
2017-11-25 11:10 am

Everyone knows the best president of the 20th century was Harding!
2017-11-25 11:23 am
Yes of course he was. The best ever,
2017-11-25 11:16 am
he may have been
2017-11-25 11:13 am
The leftist have a crush on Jimmy Carter
2017-11-25 11:11 am
No, Reagan was.

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