How do you write this number?

2017-11-25 2:23 am
I ve been messing around with my calculator and this is the highest number I could get. I would like to know how many digits are in here or what those digits are but I don t understand the answer I got.


回答 (3)

2017-11-25 2:32 am
The number 1.79769313E+308 has 309 digits.
2017-11-25 2:42 am
Oh thank you
2017-11-25 3:04 am
To get the digits:

1.79769313 E 308 - 1 E 308 * 10
7.9769313a E 307 - 1 E 307 * 10
9.769313ab E 306 - 1 E 306 * 10

Have fun and try not to skip or mis-transfer any of the 309 digits.

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