Can I put an LED bulb in my oven?

2017-11-23 9:39 am

回答 (8)

2017-11-23 7:28 pm
Probably not. LEDs have pretty low temperature limits
2017-11-23 9:40 am
no, that's a bad idea
2017-11-23 10:19 pm
I doubt you can FIND and LED light that fits the socket and is rated for cooking temperatures. If you can find one, it won't harm the oven.
2017-11-23 9:37 pm
That would be no. There are electronics inside LED bulbs .
2017-11-23 10:45 am
2017-11-29 3:31 am
2017-11-23 9:42 am
Yes, they make oven lights with LEDs.
2017-11-23 9:42 am
i wouldnt do it, if you have to ask its safer not to

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