unwanted telephone number?

2017-11-22 5:29 am
hi guys ! my daughter is having this unwanted call coming across her home phone and he is saying nasty stuff to her ! what I like to know is what can she do to block the call ? the number shows up on her phone but she don't know how to block it ! thanks folks, I appreciate it ! you all have a nice thanksgiving !

回答 (4)

2017-11-22 6:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
When you say "her home phone" do you mean a landline? The phone company will block the number. You just call and explain the issue.

If it's a cell phone, you can block any number, but it's not the same on every kind of phone. What does she have?
2017-11-22 5:34 am
call phone company ans ask them
2017-11-22 5:31 am
Assuming it is a cell phone- Would need to know the model, and make of the phone and the operating system and version.
2017-11-22 5:31 am
On the phone log app there should be a block number option. Every phone I've ever had has one.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:57:48
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