The DEM running against Moore in AL supports the selling of aborted baby body parts to the highest bidder. that is worse than what Moore did?

2017-11-21 11:12 pm

回答 (15)

2017-11-21 11:14 pm
He doesn't support that.

You guys are just desperate. You'll make up any kind of lie. No wonder you support a pedophile.
2017-11-21 11:12 pm
child molestors deserve the death penalty
2017-11-21 11:14 pm
Dog whistle much? What is fascinating is the you can blow that dog whistle while being so full of ****.
2017-11-21 11:13 pm
Fake news
2017-11-21 11:31 pm
Son, where are you getting your facts from? Facebook?
2017-11-21 11:29 pm
The Democratic Candidate Doug Jones served as the United States Attorney for the Northern District of Alabama, and is known for prosecuting the remaining two Ku Klux Klan perpetrators of the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing which killed four African-American girls, along with securing an indictment against the Olympic Park Bomber.

In 2004, he was court-appointed General Special Master in an environmental clean-up case involving Monsanto in Anniston, Alabama. In 2007 Jones was honored with the 15th Anniversary Civil Rights Distinguished Service Award from the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute.

Jones' campaign has emphasized "kitchen table" issues such as health care and the economy. He has called for bipartisan solutions to those issues and pledged to "find common ground" between both sides of the aisle. His views on these issues tend toward the mainstream of the Democratic Party.

Jones supports increasing job training for workers and better education, along with an increase in the minimum wage for people in poverty. He supports the re-authorization of the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP),[

Jones also opposes allowing insurance companies to deny coverage for pre-existing conditions and supports expanding Medicaid coverage, citing the problems with rural Alabama hospitals. opposes the repeal of the Affordable Care Act, but has called for changes to the U.S. health-care system, which he calls broken.

He has also been called an economic populist by Newsweek.He has also come out in support of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.

In an interview with The Birmingham News he stated that he opposes additional restrictions on abortion, saying current laws on the issue are sufficient. He supports stem cell research and how the hell you turn using cells from aborted foetuses into selling aborted body parts to the highest bidder is totally beyond me.
2017-11-21 11:21 pm
Ah, time to peddle your büllshït wares, I see...
2017-11-21 11:14 pm
Getting a bit desperate there, bunky?
2017-11-22 5:57 pm
Don't Know About This
2017-11-22 1:20 am
Selling to the highest bidder? that sounds like capitalism, are you sure a liberal socialist could do that?
2017-11-22 12:23 am
I don't believe your source.
2017-11-21 11:26 pm
No he does not. You are a liar -- and obviously not a real Christian. Real Christians don't tell lies about people they don't agree with. Don't whine at me. It's Jesus you have to answer to -- and He doesn't buy political slogans.
2017-11-21 11:21 pm
"selling of aborted baby body parts"

That has been proven to be a lie several times. In court.

Try again d-bag.
2017-11-21 11:29 pm
#pizzagate gettin those fetus parts for the big fun
2017-11-21 11:22 pm
Allegedly did, allegedly.

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