(1) 我在whatsapp通知租客一個月终止生約租賃, 給兒女住, 在法律上是否一定要白紙黑字的 ”租約终止通知書” ? (2) 如租客不願遷出, 數個月繼續準時交足租, 我可否向土地審裁處申請收回物業 ? 需時多久 ?

2017-11-21 3:35 pm

回答 (1)

2017-11-22 9:24 am
1. It depends on the cooperation of the tenant.

If the tenant cooperates, a verbal communication is sufficient enough. However, when the tenant does not cooperate and a legal action is required, the Court will most likely to ask for proof that the tenant have properly notified for the lease termination.

2. Yes. About 3-6 months. However, the tenant is still liable for the rent during that time.

收錄日期: 2021-04-27 23:30:47
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