Redox Reaction Balanced Equation?

2017-11-21 10:57 am
1. A) What is the balanced equation for the reduction of vanadyl ion (VO2+) to vanadic ion (V3+) in acidic solution with zinc metal as the reducing agent.
B) What is the balanced equation for the oxidation of methanol by chlorate ion in acidic solution, producing carbon dioxide gas, water, and chlorine dioxide gas as products.

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2017-11-21 7:59 pm
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Reduction half-equation: VO²⁺(aq) + 2H⁺(aq) + e⁻ → V³⁺(aq) + H₂O(l) …… [1]
Oxidation half-equation: Zn(s) → Zn²⁺(aq) + 2e⁻ …… [2]

[1]×2 + [2], and cancel 2e⁻ on the both sides. The overall equation is:
2VO²⁺(aq) + Zn(s) + 4H⁺(aq) → 2V³⁺(aq) + Zn²⁺(aq) + 2H₂O(l)

Oxidation half-equation: CH₃OH(aq) + H₂O(l) → CO₂(g) + 6H⁺(aq) + 6e⁻ …… [1]
Reduction half-equation: 2ClO₃⁻(aq) + 12H⁺(aq) + 10e⁻ → Cl₂(g) + 6H₂O(l) …… [2]

[1]×5 + [2]×3, and cancel 30e⁻, 5H₂O(l) and 30H⁺(aq) on the both sides. The overall equation is:
5CH₃OH(aq) + 6ClO₃⁻(aq) + 6H⁺(aq) → 5CO₂(g) + 3Cl₂(g) + 13H₂O(l)

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