Bitcoin In Invesment : Is it for real ? Earned US$ 1,300 a day with US$250 ??

2017-11-20 1:18 pm

回答 (4)

2017-11-20 2:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Bitcoin has wild swings - in a day or two, you can gain, OR LOSE, large amounts. Many people feel it's a bubble fed by speculation that at some point will burst. Each person has to form their own opinions as to whether it's an investment or pure speculation hoping to get out in time.
2017-11-21 2:37 am
I don't think I've seen any single day jumps quite that high, but go for it. I will be enjoying your money when you are sitting on valueless bitcoins...
2017-11-20 10:27 pm
This is not really called an investment but a speculation. It would be very risky- it could end up well or you could lose every bit of it over night.
2017-11-21 1:20 pm
2017-11-20 1:26 pm
Scam ????

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:56:54
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