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The above old proverb (as Erik Van Thienen mentioned, it's indeed true, but this old proverb can't become a popular spoken language, because the two phrases "授人以魚” and ”授人以漁”, their pronunciation are totally the same. So anyone says it, it's very difficult for others to understand) is not popularly used (any more) as the following(shorter and easier to say), and the meanings are
Traditional: 給人魚吃,不如給人釣竿
Simplified: 给人鱼吃,不如给人钓竿
Pinyin: gěi rén yú chī ,bù rú gěi rén diào gān
Literally, this proverb’s English translation should be –
It would be better to give someone a fishing pole to fish (and teach him how to fish) rather than to give him a fish.
While its actual meaning is –
It would be better to teach a guy to earn his own living rather than to give him a meal.