Is Crooked Hillary the biggest loser of all time?

2017-11-20 5:17 am
She's still complaining and trying to make excuses for her embarrassing loss. SAD!!!

回答 (28)

2017-11-20 5:19 am
what's sad is people like you still obsessing about her
2017-11-20 5:22 am
She is currently asking for donations for "Swing Left", another one of thousands of Soros funded shell organizations.

Read her tweets in the last week and ask if Trump was right to respond. She is still raising money and trying to get organizations to sue Trump and Trump International. The woman won't stop.
2017-11-20 5:19 am
You are so brainwashed you use the exact same sentences as Trump.
2017-11-20 5:21 am
Apparently not since you are still b!tching about her.
2017-11-20 5:25 am
參考: Killery is a evil ugly WITCH!
2017-11-20 5:25 am
Ya know what's SAD and PATHETIC???

Trump trying to overturn the Elephant Trophy ban for the *SOLE* reason that it was OBAMA who signed it.

He's so OBSESSED with Obama, he's still trying to UNDO everything and anything, Obama did.......and this proves, *literally* ANYTHING.

His entire administration under investigation, fired or resigned..........hundreds of positions still unfilled a YEAR later.........

and this is what he's worried about? Bringing Elephant heads back from Zimbabwe?????

Is he soooooooooooooooooooooooooo jealous of Obama that he would declare Cheeseburgers illegal, if Obama was seen eating a cheeseburger?

This was SOOOOOOOOOO mind bogglingly STUPID.........that he had to reverse HIMSELF not a day later......after a FIRESTORM of protest on social media.

Even for was a wildly STUPID move......and shows just how much Obama lives in his head, rent free.

and you're still worried about HILLARY?

Trump is cracking up before your eyes and you're too BLIND with HDS to see it.
2017-11-20 5:28 am
No she isn’t but nice try. She’s involved now in many positive aspects of reigniting the Democratic Party. She’s highly sought after for interviews and feels free now to say exactly what sane people think about Donald Trump and what’s he doing to our country. She is basically now seen by millions as an elder stateswoman with bottomless knowledge and great ideas. She’s not going away so you guys will still have your favorite fake news target, no worries. SAD.
2017-11-20 5:21 am
What's sad to me is how fixated you right wing nutjobs are on Hillary Clinton even as your boy Trump destroys the country.
2017-11-20 6:13 am
Uh, Let's compare the amount of tweets that Trump has whined about loosing something...
2017-11-20 6:01 am
& your stil posting stale boring bs.

all you got.
2017-11-20 5:29 am
Tell us what Trump succeeded in doing this week.
Oh yes, he thinks he should have sent the three basketball players to jail in China.
2017-11-20 5:36 am
It took the Trip campaign working in concert with the Russians to bring her down, and she STIL won the popular vote
2017-11-20 5:21 am
There's lots of rumors flying about sealed indictments, and Hillary is at the top of the list, she may be locked up yet.
2017-11-22 6:02 am
Dirty Donald.
2017-11-20 5:39 am
No, there really are bigger losers than her, just wait until the next election cycle to see.
2017-11-20 5:26 am
Chump the treasonous conman and crook will be the biggest loser. He will lose his reputation, his lifestyle and his freedom.
2017-11-20 7:22 am
That would be you.
2017-11-20 5:44 am
2017-11-20 5:28 am
She's very rich. She is very influential. She's very famous. She is NOT the biggest loser of all time. She may well be crooked (I think so), but get some perspective.
2017-11-21 9:19 pm
she's an azzhole, cuntt, twatt, bitsch, lesbian piece of shitt. oh yea and a loser.
2017-11-21 4:06 pm
Well, I don't think so according to my personal view Trump is the biggest loser of all the time.
2017-11-21 1:53 pm
she hasn't got over the fact that the glass ceiling is still intact
2017-11-21 7:50 am
Not sure if she's the biggest loser of all time, but she sure is a loser all thanks to Trump for having the courage to call the crooked whilst she was present. Not behind her back, not over the internet. Trump is the president. Those who don't like it, get over it!!
2017-11-20 8:42 pm
She is still raising
2017-11-20 2:57 pm
Hellary needs to stay in public sight. She drops out of sight & it may be forever. She owes a lot of people favors paid for. Not delivered on.
2017-11-20 6:28 am
I'm not surprised. She has a lot of people mad at her after she rigged the primaries and then failed to do basic things like campaign in states she needed to win.
2017-11-20 5:33 am
How big a loser does one person have to be to rig an election and still manage to lose it because of their reputation. It speaks VOLUMES of what people really think of her.
2017-11-20 5:27 am
I don't recall any other presidential candidates who lost complaining much. In fact it seems as if Al Gore did pretty well for himself.

She tried too hard to borrow from Obama's script and Democrats somehow figured that would have worked, when in fact she should have borrowed from Bill's script. Usually the candidate who's most convincing that they will be the best choice for the economy wins. It seems as if Democrats figured people have shifted away from economics and are more focused on social issues when they weren't. Obama ran against 2 guys who were merely Jobbers and they were in no way able to win.

People obsess about it because it's fun to talk about. What they fail to realize is this was a complete underdog win and how epic it was because of the polls and odds. This would be like seeing the New England Patriots going 14-2 then playing an 8-8 team that made it to the Superbowl, then watch the team beat the Pats by 1 point. In fact, this was a bigger victory than that because of how devoted the Media was to her.

Reading the "Elephant" or Elephant in the room reactions is hilarious. The media and these people don't get that they're fueling it. When they say things like "why are you still talking about it" it's like hearing someone say "leave me alone" as they're getting made fun of. One virtue of life is whatever your resist will persist in the amount of energy given.

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