Why is it so frowned upon to be a flat Earther?

2017-11-20 4:02 am
There are some very very smart people who think the Earth is flat. The scientific evidence is insurmountable. The government elitists must be running scared!!!

回答 (7)

2017-11-20 11:21 am
Because it's easily disproved nonsense. Go to the beach and watch ships sailing away, the hull will disappear first and then the mast. This shows that the earth is curving away from us.
2017-11-20 4:47 am
Nobody who is 'smart' can believe such nonsense!
All flat earthers are NOT at all smart
2017-11-20 4:33 am
Who are you calling 'very very smart people'? Certainly no scientist, no pilot, no navigator, so astronaut...
2017-11-20 4:31 am
It is a psy op to make the conspiracy community look like FOOLS. People who say it is flat are in the illuminati and are trying to ruin the credibility of poor people who can't afford to go into space of fly around the earth sphere
2017-11-20 4:27 am
2/10 for the attempt. Might get a few bites.
2017-11-20 4:07 am
lol troll
2017-11-20 4:04 am
LOL. Flat earthers are dumber than a sack of hammers.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:52:49
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