Can any women answer this please? Need help, please! angry over ex 3 years later.?

2017-11-19 10:42 pm

So today I was just thinking about all the people I've dated. Because when I stop dating people I cut off all contact, I don't even know if they're alive or not.

So today I search up a girl I only dated for a few months 3 years ago. She is the only girl I get so so so so angry when I see her face. I just get palpitations and so worked up. We had a bad ending, and I was upset about it for a while. However, I feel I'm a Christian yet i really genuinely hate this girl?? how is this possible. I just don't like her at all. Why can't I get over it?

April 2014 we stopped speaking and I forget about it and when I think about it I get so angry?? I'm a young guy only 24 years old. Why do I get so wound up about this girl I haven't spoken to in years`??

回答 (1)

2017-11-19 11:57 pm
You sound exceedingly immature in your attitude towards women. Either you are a Christian or has little to do with feelings. Hatred of any kind is inherently unchristian. His commandment is that you love others. Have you tried praying about it?

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