I'm using staples to cut my arm, can this lead to an infection? I also have red straight marks on my skin, do they disappear over time?

2017-11-19 6:13 am
I'm 12 1/2 going to be 13. I am suicidal and have attempted it by choking myself with a cord. That was a long time ago though..But I have these thoughts of hurting myself like that again.
Yesterday I decided to cut myself with some staples. These staples were still connected to each other, and I found them going threw a box.
I was crying and all my thoughts came back to me. I don't like talking about it too much. But yesterday I cut myself 2 times, and each time, I cut myself 10 times. So 2 times 10 = 20.
I cut myself 20 times yesterday. This morning I cut myself again, 12 times I counted. They left these red straight marks on my skin, and they burn when I put pressure on them. I want to know will these red marks ever go away. I have a family that cares about me, and they don't miss a thing. I'm wearing these jackets and I hope they wont notice. But will they ever go away!? Another thing, can they infect me? Can you answer these two questions, and possibly help me stop.

回答 (20)

2017-11-19 12:30 pm
Why don't you pray to God?
Here's the thing kid. Depression sucks. This is coming from a guy who suffered from severe depression. Like crying myself to sleep and wallowing in my own self hatred and pity. I remember how you feel. my answer will change your life if you'd do what I say. share the message with other people. Let it be an infection of happiness and kindness and let those people be blessed by your words and God's.
I'd say you start doing things that make you happy. If you do things that make you happy then you'll be happy. Right now I bet you're doing things that make you sad. You might be listening to sad music, watching sad movies or basically anything that makes you sad. Thoughts can make you sad. Think better thoughts! When you're kind you'll feel better. "Do not meditate on sorrow, even if sorrow speaks the truth."
If you listen to better music, stop thinking sad thoughts, and do the things you enjoy doing them life will get a whole lot better. God bless.
2017-11-19 6:40 am
The scarring will fade in time. Keep them clean (as you would any other wound) to prevent infection and minimize scarring

And please go and speak to someone, whether it be a family member, friend, or professional.
2017-11-21 3:05 am
I’m also 12, 13 soon and I’ve been thinking suicidally loads. I cut three times before: twice with a razor and one with scissors. I’ve wanted to tell somebody but I think they could get really upset. Im also looking for answers on how the heck can I be happy? I’d really love to support you on this but all I can say is that you’re not alone. It will help to talk to somebody I know that but it’s difficult bringing it up.

I hope everything turns out OK 💞
2017-11-19 11:15 am
To answer your main question, yes you can get an infection. For marks, there is a possibility that they can scar. If it's a superficial cut, it probably won't scar.

But you seriously need to get help. You're going through a hellish battle, and there are resources out there to help you. If you start feeling suicidal, get to the ER.
2017-11-19 8:44 am
I believe about 1/4 of your tale of pity and even that necessitates a visit with someone who can help you stop. Oh and by the way it is NOT the in thing to cut oneself right now.

Get help and no one here can do that.
2017-11-19 6:30 am
First of all, please seek immediate medical help or call the suicide hot line if that's the case.
otherwise, the most important caution after wound from metal is getting the Tetanus shot. Check if you have booster.
There is a possibility of wound infection too, with signs of redness, swelling, yellow discharge, or even fever.
mild symptoms as above could be just local reaction that will subside.
If you've the above signs and keep getting worse, please seek help from a medical professional.
2017-11-19 6:26 am
It probably won't be infected, but it depends on how deep you cut yourself whether or not they will go away. And look I was your age and I felt suicidal too, it doesn't do anything, cutting only leaves marks on your skin, suicide is never an option, there is always something you can do. I'm sorry you feel this way, but when you are older you'll regret doing it. Cutting is not going to take the pain away, and killing yourself wont either. Its up to you whether you want to stop, but find someone you can talk to, anytime of the day. I wish you all the best, please suicide is never an option. Talk to someone. Xx
2017-11-20 12:36 pm
Suicide is a permanent fix to a temporary problem. I'm 13 and I can see you obviously have a family that loves you. Cherish that, millions of kids wish they had that. Wouldn't you rather get help then continue going on like this.

If you need someone to talk to, just ask :) Good luck
2017-11-21 7:00 pm
If they're clean they won't cause infection. (I used to self harm, and used some stupid things in the past never got an infection)

Scars: yes they'll go if they were particularly deep then they may leave indentation marks (I have a few of these on my wrist 4 years later)
I've had ones that last a few years being red in spite of being healed, they fade gradually like I said since 2014 they are now just indentations on my skin, which are clear of colour. If my scars hadn't healed my arms would be covered, they all healed with time.

I have some on my ankle, from the summer.... they're still pretty red and purple. -they'll heal-

No infection if clean and scars heal.


I got caught, and ridiculed so I felt ashamed every time I wanted to as if I had no reason because until recent years my family would never admit to me ever being unhappy. However I cut do to stress, and feeling out of control. Rarely sadness. I found a new release, I took up exercise, I punched out all of my stress and sadness. (I still had lapses on really bad times.)

If you are suicidal, and have actually attempted suicide not just injury. Talk to your parents, maybe you would benifit from seeing someone who could help. Or going on Anti Depresents,. Seeing where the root cause is. Or do this for yourself like I said I realized mine was stress and lack of control in a situation not just upset.
2017-11-21 11:19 am
The real victims of suicide are the loved ones left behind. They have a life sentence of thinking about it every day. Think about those you love. Talk to someone about your thoughts and problems. Keep living. This from a perfect stranger who is concerned for you.
2017-11-21 2:35 am
Yes. If it breaks the skin, it can get infected. Put some antibiotic ointment on it.
And it may scar. There's no guarantee that the red marks won't be permanent.
When I had surgery, once, it took 2 years for the big scar to soften and fade. It's
much better now, but I was surprised at how long it took.
Here's an idea to prevent that: JUST don't DO IT !
2017-11-21 1:33 am
Listen,, I was once in your place but I want you do two things for me. I want you to go grab a pen and a piece of paper. Write down all of the things you like about and all of the things that you enjoy, that will keep you living. Everyday, please, look at this list. Write on everything. Do anything you can to see this list. Try to see or do one of the things that brings you joy. Secondly, I want you to draw a picture, a cool design, write a quote, wherever you feel like harming yourself. You can get through this. I used to cut too. I tried to choke myself with a belt. I fantasize death everyday. Try to keep a positive mindset. You have so much coming for you. You are beautiful. Promise me this one thing. Please, get help if you need and try your hardest. Try to complete these things for me . I believe in you. Stay Alive.
2017-11-20 12:40 pm
watch out guys this kid is edgy
2017-11-20 2:50 am
anything that hasnt been sterilized or hasnt been washed thoroughly after.
2017-11-19 4:42 pm
In such critical situation, you should consult a psychiatrist as well as a general physician - a professionally qualified doctor. I doubt that there is something wrong and because of which your mind is now utterly confused.
2017-11-19 11:39 am
2017-11-19 6:15 am
Whether they will go away or not is a tough one. It depends on how bad you damaged yourself and yes it can lead to an infection i you didn't wash your arm. My advice is go to counselling. I know you are only 13 so you will have to get someone like a parent involved.Whatever you do try to talk to someone you trust. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to admit to another that you need help
2017-11-19 8:12 am
I am suicidal to. But that is because I get constantly put down, my life is a living hell, I get accused of everything under the sun when I've done nothing, get called horrible things, get turned funny on for no reason, have nobody, get things dumped on me then rammed down my throat, I'm severely isolated.. But I get told I make everyone's life hell. But I guarantee if you were me you would feel the same way, I've had hell for ages now and am so close to suicide it is frightenly close.
2017-11-19 6:14 am
Don’t use staples don’t cut st all
2017-11-20 12:19 pm
Hell no. A 12 year old doesn’t deserve an awful life. You are in pain and struggling at such a young age.

Suicide will end your problems.
And your life.

Better to be dead than to suffer at such a young age.

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