why exactly is a war with north korea a big deal?

2017-11-18 2:37 pm
america has invaded and bombed countless nations in the past, so i don't see how this is any different.

remember iraq? they had wmd but didn't use them. so if we invade north korea they wont use their wmd either.

回答 (15)

2017-11-18 2:55 pm
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Countless? We've "invdaded" Germany and counterattacked Japan, both of whom decalred war on us. We invaded Iraq because they attacked our ally Kuwait, threatened our oil supply, and we thought they had weapons of mass destruction, besides all of the chemical warfare they did. We invaded North Korea to protect South Korea and stop communism. We invaded North Vietnam to again protect our ally South Vietnam and stop communism. We went to, let's see, war with Spain because Spain kept messing with our ships. We went to war with Mexico because we Annexed Texas and there was a dispute over whether the Nueces River was the border of Texas or not. We went to war with the Native Americans repeatedly, mostly because we wanted to live in North America and they didn't like that and they were already at war with one another constantly anyhow. Who else did we go to war with?
2017-11-18 2:42 pm
Seoul and Tokyo and the world economy.

You're welcome.
2017-11-19 12:39 am
there are several million people in Seoul. they would be decimated. that is a big deal. NK is also adjoining China. that is a big deal.
2017-11-18 11:07 pm
Because a war with North Korea means that South Korea at least Seoul will cease to exist.
2017-11-18 4:42 pm
Please update this question to let us know if you're serious lol. This is an insanely stupid question. You're comparing a country that barely had a military to one of the largest standing armies in the world and thinking there will be the same results.
2017-11-18 2:43 pm
I guess you haven't been paying attention so I will try to help .

#1 ) NK has nuclear weapons and ICBMs . Granted they are crappy missiles with crappy warheads , but still capable of doing some significant damage if Kim can hit a target .

#2 ) South Korea ( a US ally ) is right across the border and they are who NK is most likely to attack first . That would likely be hundreds of thousands of dead US allies .

#3 ) China has a stake in NK and has indicated if the US strikes NK first , China will side with Kim Jong Un .

Myself , I advocate for a " Good Ole' Fashioned " assassination .
參考: See how there are a few little glitches in your plan ?
2017-11-18 2:40 pm
not eager to kill innocent people. we have lots of blood on our hands from iraq
參考: maybe China can take gim out?
2017-11-18 2:47 pm
We have not invaded countless nations, in fact, we have stopped more Europeans from invading many countries in the Americas
We stopped the Brtish an Spain from invading Mexico along with the French ''after our civil war we coming after you'' The Brits and Spain reloaded their troops from Mexico and left we extended our sea blockade down the Gulf of Mexico the French could not resupply their troops
We sent our warship to Venzliwala to stop the British and Germans from invading
2017-11-18 2:44 pm
Its not
2017-11-18 2:44 pm

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