I did the math and my tax bill will decrease by 25-30 percent under the GOP tax plan. Liberals, why do you lie???

2017-11-18 3:02 am

回答 (12)

2017-11-18 3:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
Liberals HATE it when the people they hate (middle class) gets to keep more of their own money
2017-11-18 3:04 am
Oh well, hard to argue with incontrovertible evidence like this.

Pack it up, everyone, q's tax bill is apparently going to decrease, I guess that's the only criterion necessary to pass a tax bill.
2017-11-18 3:03 am
The butt hurt makes them do it.
2017-11-18 3:06 am
In your dreams.
2017-11-18 3:14 am
You forgot to carry the 1.
2017-11-18 3:12 am
Mine will go up. I'm not a Mormon but I expect that the typical Mormon tax bill will go way up when they lose all their exemptions.
2017-11-18 3:07 am
Did you include the deductions you're going to lose? Does anyone other than yourself matter to you? Oh, wait, I forgot- you're a Republican, so the answer is no.
2017-11-18 3:03 am
There are multiple plans and the effects are hidden. What are you talking about and why would you lie?
2017-11-18 3:11 am
Are you aware that 1 + 1 =/= 3?
2017-11-18 3:07 am
They know no better. They’re just regurgitating the spew they absorb from their lefty news sources. They’re too goddamned stupid to research themselves.
2017-11-18 4:20 am
🤣🤣🤣🤣like anyone would believe that you can do math.
2017-11-18 3:17 am
bad math.

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