would it be bad to ask my mortgage lender if i could miss december and january’s mortgage payments?

2017-11-18 1:22 am
i’m thinking about asking pennymac to allow me to miss payments because between christmas and birthdays, this is a very financially difficult time of year for me. i’m a single mom with no financial help from anyone else. (i’m owed child support arrears over $107K with no resolution in sight.) i don’t have time to devote to a part time job and i can’t uber right now because of my broken windshield (which i could afford to fix if i didn’t have a mortgage to pay). do mortgage companies do this sort of thing?

回答 (14)

2017-11-18 1:36 am
It's time to sell the house, and move to a small apartment. Spend the time after your child is in bed to educate yourself to be eligible tor a better job. Follow up in family court to collect unpaid child support.
2017-11-18 1:36 am
They don't do that. They would be especially reluctant since it doesn't appear you are working so therefore have no income to pay them with. Christmas and birthday gifts are optional - a roof over your (and your child's) head is not.
2017-11-19 6:50 am
You can ask. You can also expect to be denied.
2017-11-19 4:56 am
What kind of a god damn fool puts Presents over having a roof over the kids heads? You have your priorities way screwed up. Sign up at the local children's presents give away they have everywhere around Christmas or were you so ignorant you were going for the new xphones for the kids?

Go to the damn courts and get some of that freaking child support owed and sell the freaking house you can not afford and get a damn J O B or two.
2017-11-18 1:29 am
Some companies have a one month forgiveness program, usually not two months. Check with your lender. However, the penalty for this is that they may add the unpaid interest to the loan balance, extending the mortgage.
2017-11-18 4:20 am
No, they do not. How are you going to pay the three months worth of mortgage payments that you will owe in February? They don't just allow you to skip two months, let you pay February as if nothing happened, and tack those two missed months onto the end. Nothing may happen if you don't pay December except for getting late notices, but if you skip January, those late notices will turn into warnings of foreclosure. This will also seriously impact your credit rating, which can mean higher interest rates on any credit cards you have, and possibly increased car insurance rates.
2017-11-18 4:16 am
They generally do not do that, no.
2017-11-18 3:21 am
You can ask whatever you want, but be prepared to not get the answer you’re looking for. Even if you are allowed to not pay for one month, understand that there will definitely be consequences to that non-payment. There would likely be some sort of penalty for late payment. Your mortgage company would have the details on that, not anyone here.

I notice you aren’t calling the electric company to ask if you can skip out on December’s bill. You’re not calling the water department, or your cable/internet provider, either. How is your mortgage different? Other than the fact that it’s a bigger number, it’s the same basic concept. You’re paying for a roof over your head. If you don’t pay your electric, you won’t have lights. If you don’t pay your mortgage, you won’t have a house. You’re getting use out of that bill. Maybe this Christmas is just going to be light. Maybe birthdays aren’t the priority right now. A light Christmas morning is better than a Christmas morning out in the cold.
2017-11-18 2:42 pm
No, they do not. They'll probably laugh at you. You need to realize that a contract is a legal instrument. You are bound by the terms. Re-prioritize your finances. Buy fewer gifts for people, don't spend as much money. And, one would think "income" would be a priority. What is it that you are doing with your time that is so important that you cannot work? GET A JOB. Take the bus.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience.
2017-11-18 10:42 am
Your financial situation is not the problem of your mortgage lender. You being owed child support is not a problem of your mortgage lender.

You signed the mortgage loan documents indicating you would pay the mortgage each month. You have a mortgage because you signed the mortgage loan documents.

Had you not signed the mortgage loan documents, you would not have a mortgage loan to pay.

Mortgage lenders are not in the business of extending credit.

You have offered excuses as to why you are unable to pay your monthly mortgage. If you are unable to pay your monthly mortgage, how would you make up the late payments of 2 months you want to ask for? Normally in addition to the monthly payment there is a financial penalty for not paying your mortgage on time.

You don't have the time to devote to a second job, yet you want your mortgage lender to give you permission to not pay your monthly mortgage.

You are responsible to make sure you pay your debts on time. This might require you to be disposed for certain things in life to live up to your financial obligations.

Mortgage lenders, normally would not approve or give you permission to miss paying your monthly mortgage payment.

It might be that you would need to adjust your financial budget to make sure you are able to meet your financial obligations each month.

Perhaps, you would want to call your credit card, utility company and other debts you have to see if they would allow you to miss a couple of month of not paying them. Why just select your mortgage company?

I hope this has been of some benefit to you, good luck.

2017-11-18 9:27 am
and people in hell want ice water
2017-11-18 6:00 am
Back in the "great recession" some mortgage companies allowed this and added fees and such plus the missing payments to your loan balance. They will have you submit lots of data showing your bank balance- work schedule and such. But many might be willing to foreclose instead because the sales are so strong in many parts of the conutry. It really does not hurt to ask.
2017-11-18 4:49 am
They MIGHT go along with one, but not likely two.
2017-11-18 3:31 am
It's a lot better to ask rather than to just do it. If it's because of Christmas you need to get your priorities right. The mortgage comes first.

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