4 diff gases added in container. the pressure of the 4 gases each is 1.5 atm,912 mmHg,14 torr, and 0.87 atm. what is the resulting pressure?

2017-11-17 9:31 pm

According to Dalton's law of p pressure

回答 (2)

2017-11-17 11:25 pm
Resulting pressure
= Sum of partial pressures
= (1.5 atm) + (912 mmHg) + (14 torr) + (0.87 atm)
= (2.37 atm) + (912 mmHg) + (14 torr)
= [(2.37 atm) × (760 torr/atm)] + [(912 mmHg) × (1 torr/mmHg)] + (14 torr)
= 2730 torr (to 3 sig. fig.)
2017-11-17 9:37 pm
Ptotal = Pgas1 + Pgas2 + Pgas3 + Pgas4

you get to convert units

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