Would you listen to a fat doctor?

2017-11-17 5:30 am

回答 (7)

2017-11-17 5:36 am
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Not a fat chance... especially if he goes into details about staying in shape that begins with a healthy diet. Listening to an obese doctor is similar to taking advices from a divorced woman who thinks she knows everything there is know about love and relationships.

No thanks to both...
2017-11-17 6:02 am
I always wondered that about Budists. How is a 600 lb. man going to teach you self control?
2017-11-17 9:46 am
I listen to any doctor. The size doesn't matter.
2017-11-17 5:45 am
Id still go n see them. As long as they know how to do their job then their weight dont matter. Now when a they tell a bigger person bout managing their weight thats different story
2017-11-17 5:32 am
I mean yeah if they got a medical degree it's worth listening to them, maybe they just don't follow their own advice
2017-11-17 5:31 am
I have because my family physician is obese. Now...I do my own doctoring.
2017-11-17 5:31 am
Yes. I would.

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