How to get to the question categorie on Yahoo Answers new layout? I can't find the list of categories anymore. This new layout confuses me?

2017-11-16 5:36 pm

回答 (19)

2017-11-16 5:39 pm
Doesn't look like there is one. They just changed it like now, so it is still gltichy and shitty, hopefully they revert to the old format or at least make this one work normally.
2017-11-16 5:57 pm
If you’re on an iPhone, tap the square with an up arrow icon (it’s on the bottom), then scroll to the right and tap request desktop site. From there, look near the top and you’ll see the sub-categories. Currently, you’ll see yahoo products — yahoo answers. Tap yahoo products. Continue tapping the left one until you see all categories.

There used to be a way to convert this stupid format back to the old format by clearing the history and some other steps but it’s not working.

Looks like some employees are Messi g with the format again to try to keep their jobs by introducing glitches so they can fix it.
2017-11-16 6:17 pm
It's terrible. I can't even find my own questions without messing about.
2017-11-16 5:53 pm
It has also happen to me today. This is not the first time this has happen. But this is the first time for me. I tried 4 different browsers and all the same. Just have to wait it out. Not much else you can do until the glitch is fit.
2017-11-16 8:01 pm
It confuses me to its on the top of the page click on All Category's to view the list
2017-11-17 7:11 am
There's a custom feed gear where you can check boxes of personal categories of interest or choose all categories.. look for the custom feed gear tool on your Yahoo Answers Home page, it's next to the Ask a question box :) Or click on the category of any question, it will bring up entire list.
2017-11-17 7:48 am
1. First click on any question.
2. click on any category on the top and
3. "All Category" will show up top, click on that.
2017-11-17 5:07 am
It's happened to everyone!
I literally asked a similar question not so long ago.

The categories are now only available on the YA homepage.
2017-11-18 2:49 am
On mobile, the catergories are still listed on the left sidebar. I prefer to use my computer but I guess I’ll use the web browser on my phone for now.
I hope they listen to the users and add a catergory list back on the full site. I don’t like the big font either, it’s makes for a lot of scrolling just to read all answers.
2017-11-17 10:22 am
Everybody else is pissed off too, not just you Left click the or tap the "answers home" hyperlink WHEREVER ti appears on the browser page, then choose the "All categories" then the category, then the subcategory. HOPEFULLY Verizon is updating computer programs, and this will be temporary, but since Verizon NEVER tells us anything, NO ONE KNOWS REALLY KNOWS wat is going home, even those of us who have have been expecting this to happen for the last 5 MONTHS.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:26:56
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