Why don't liberals want to cut my taxes?

2017-11-16 1:44 pm
I don't want anymore government programs. Just cut my taxes. I can carry my own weight. It's time for everyone else to pull thensleves up by the bootstraps!

回答 (17)

2017-11-16 1:48 pm
Liberals are losers. They can't pull themselves up by their bootstraps.
2017-11-16 2:02 pm
Who are you? Who are these people who are "ganging up on you"? You DO realise that taxes pay for silly things like fire and police departments, public schools, emergency rooms, roads, and a whole gunch of other things you take for granted. EVERYBODY would like to have their taxes cut, but most of them go to things we consider essential.
2017-11-16 1:46 pm
they understand money is freedom.
2017-11-16 1:49 pm
Fine. Let's shut down the Pentagon.
2017-11-16 1:47 pm
Cutting revenues when we are experiencing chronic revenue shortfalls is insanity.
2017-11-16 1:47 pm
Quinnipiac national poll, Nov. 7-13/17
Republican Tax Plan, Registered Voters
Approve 25%
Disapprove 52%
Note: That was before we learned that it also destroys Obamacare without replacing it.

About ¼ of middle class families would see their taxes increase in 2018, by about $1,000.
About 1/3 of middle class families would see their taxes increase in 2026, by about $1,600

Source: New York Times

The Republican tax bill is a trillion dollar give-away to giant corporations that will hurt small businesses and everyone else. The National Federation of Independent Business which is a very conservative supporter of small businesses has come out against this bill.
2017-11-16 1:50 pm
Income taxes violate your property rights. Leftists like that.

Leftists oppose property rights.
2017-11-16 1:50 pm
The Libs count on your tax dollars for a welfare check , section 8 housing , EBT ,0bama phone and bus passes .

You have responsibilities .
2017-11-16 2:01 pm
Because the rich do not deserve lower taxes
Plus it increases the debt by over 1.5 trillion
Do conservatives realize the middle class tax cuts expire in 10 years but the cut for the rich is permanent
2017-11-16 2:11 pm
You don't need roads or a sewer system.
2017-11-16 2:11 pm
Are you going to pave your own roads? Pay for your own police department, fire department, or military service? Build and staff your own schools?
2017-11-16 1:59 pm
They don't want to cut your taxes if you make over 250,000 per year. Do you? Liberals have no trouble cutting taxes of people who make middle class wages. The Republican tax plan actually raises taxes on the middle class and reduce their ability to afford health insurance, while giving corporations and millionaires tax cuts.
2017-11-16 1:56 pm
There never was a tax they didn't like.
參考: Nancy Pelosi
2017-11-17 12:56 am
We do. We just want a plan that actually benefits the middle class and not the rich. Also it was just revealed that the GOP plan will make tax cuts for middle class TEMPORARY, with cuts for corporations permenant.
2017-11-16 2:03 pm
Because we haven't been bought or brainwashed by the Kochs and their ilk.
2017-11-16 1:49 pm
I actually want to cut taxes for the middle class, or at very least redistribute money so that it isn't being wasted in Somalia, killing desert people, and is actually helping people at home in some way.

2017-11-16 1:50 pm
Politicians, do not want to lose their skimming, kickbacks from lobbyists. Many are also rich to the point of maintaining power and place.
They cannot conceive of people making less than 100,000USD a year, other than as an abstract.

Programs are to buy votes from the small minded.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:49:44
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