Virgo vs Capricorn, who is the better sign?

2017-11-15 10:44 pm
I'm not either sign, but there are people in my life that are these signs and neither seems to be on the same page with anything, but who is better overall?

回答 (14)

2017-11-16 1:13 am
Virgo women are better, probably one of the best out of all signs, they have everything, good looks, intelligence, trustworthy.

Capricorn men are better.
2017-11-16 12:16 am
Women: Virgo is better
Man: Capricorn is better
2017-11-15 10:45 pm
When it comes to men, Virgo is better.
When it comes to women, Capricorn is better.
2017-11-16 4:23 am
I prefer Virgos
2017-11-16 10:03 pm
Virgo women and Capricorn men ❤
2017-11-15 10:56 pm
Astrology is fake.
2017-11-18 11:06 am
Women Virgo
Men Capricorn
2017-11-17 12:24 am
Virgo wins for me (men & women). I click with them like crazy! I love their honesty. They know when to take things seriously and when to have fun. Very straight forward and will let you know when they don’t like you. No lies or cheating!

For me personally, they understand me without me talking! For real! They read my mind like an open book! Their eye contact get me weak. I live to communicate through eye contact!

Capricorn men have their charm on me. I must admit this. They’re rough mean yet muscular! I have crazy sexual attraction with them. I feel like they’re the strong shoulder I can rely on and feel safe. I love how they’re hard working and ambitious. They have the best sense of humor I enjoy.

I get along with Capricorn females but not as much as Virgo females. Stil, I have nothing against them
參考: Taurus sun Virgo moon
2017-11-16 3:50 am
i love both but capricorn -aquarius
2017-11-18 2:30 am
2017-11-17 8:19 pm
2017-11-16 5:10 am
2017-11-16 2:59 am
I like both of them.
2017-11-17 2:15 am

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