Americans: do you trust Trump as your President?

2017-11-15 8:08 pm
I don't mean to anger anyone who opposes to President Trump. For someone so disliked, there still must have been a lot of people voting for him.

回答 (9)

2017-11-15 8:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
HELL no!

esp now that he's obviously suffering from the alzheimers that affected his father for 10 yrs.

he must now be removed from the Pres IMMEDIATELY as mentally unfit,

via the procedures set out by Amendment 25
2017-11-16 5:08 am
I trust him as much as I trust a rabid wolf to watch the hen house for me.
2017-11-16 1:41 pm
Hell no!

☆ Sent from iOS Dr. Know! 1.1.02
2017-11-16 8:49 am
Just as much as I would trust Hillary
In other words not at all.
Everyday he becomes more unstsble
2017-11-15 8:16 pm
2017-11-22 6:02 pm
2017-11-15 8:10 pm
2017-11-15 8:57 pm
I completely trust him to ruin our country while smirking the entire time.
2017-11-15 8:16 pm
I trust no one, ever.
Why should this President, or any President, be any different in my eyes?
I don't trust you, or your next door neighbor.

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