no power breaker not tripped?

2017-11-15 8:50 am
my renter was overloading a 15 amp breaker like 10 times or so in my garage. now there is no power could the breaker be damaged and need to be replaced. idiot who wired the garage put everything on a single 15 amp breaker

回答 (2)

2017-11-15 8:33 pm
Do not replace with a higher amp unless you have the proper wiring rated for that amperage.
Breakers do on occasion, go bad.
2017-11-15 10:09 am
Just because it does NOT look tripped untrip it manually (to OFF) and push it back to ON. Personally, you need to find out how many things he's turning on/using on that circuit that's causing it to trip. FWIW, if it was a licensed electrician, it's not the electricians's the idiot plugging too many things in/on at the same time. Chances are you'll need to change the 15 out and put a 20 in.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:47:43
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