Gundam exia vs unicorn Gundam which one would win?

2017-11-15 4:58 am

回答 (1)

2017-11-15 7:12 am
Unicorn will swoop the floor with all those techs and weapons. You got the destructive Beam Magnum, Shield Funnels, Beam Tonfas, and the NT-D mode that enhances its performance significantly. Added with the Newtype hax, it's currently one of the strongest unit in Gundam-verse.

Exia, OTOH, were pretty much a standard close-range unit with lots of swords. It does has Trans-Am, but it was only available for a limited time, while NT-D can go permanent mode if the pilot's will was strong enough.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 21:44:29
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