is there an an candidan accent such as UK and USA etc......?

2017-11-14 4:08 pm

回答 (2)

2017-11-14 6:29 pm
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Like the UK, and the USA, Canada has several regional accents. The most different is the one in Newfoundland, although even there, there are differences. You might want to check the "Newfoundland Wizard of Oz" video on Youtube. They make fun of it, but, the accent is real - I've been there, and heard it. Cape Breton has a similar accent, but, not as strong, and the rest of Nova Scotia is also less strong, but, can still easily be heard. PEI's accent is mild, as is New Brunswick. And, so on. Albertans to me sound somewhat like Americans from Montana, as there was more north-south movement than east-west just over 100 years ago.

I live in Yukon now, where people have not been long enough to develop a strong accent, but, we do use "Chinook" words, like "skookum" (big, or strong), or "chuck" for water (also used in BC). There are some unique Canadian words as well, and even a Canadian dictionary that has them in it.
2017-11-14 5:01 pm
Yes. There are actually several Canadian (note the spelling) accents, as there are many US and British accents.

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