Do you think global warming is real or made up?

2017-11-14 10:58 am
I think it is real.

回答 (50)

2017-11-15 9:54 am
Keep an eye on ocean surface temperatures.

The Arctic Region is going through a 180 degree change. Very cold.

Ocean surface oscillation(s) created a GLOBAL sea surface temperature drop of -0.17C between Aug 2017 and Sep 2017, and it has showed up in the Arctic Region almost immediately. Most of that region has been very cold since mid-summer. Greenland just set a record cold temperature for the month of July for the entire Northern Hemisphere @ -33C.

Ocean oscillations (ENSO - El Nino and La Nina) have nothing to do with rising CO2 levels, but have a huge affect on surface temperatures.

There isn't "ANY" warming in the Arctic Region right now. It's cooling faster than it has for many years.

The oceans contain about 4,000 times more energy than the atmosphere does, and greatly affects surface temperature when it changes just a little.

Climate science is trying to understand ocean changes better through ARGO Floats (3,600 floating measuring stations evenly spaced across the oceans) that dive deep into the oceans and take various measurements.

Oceans are 71% of Earth's surface.

Keep an eye on ARGO data. It is saying a lot about what controls our temperatures.
2017-11-15 2:22 pm
Blatantly made up
2017-11-14 10:39 pm
made up
2017-11-14 11:04 am
Real, very real.
2017-11-14 11:00 am
2017-11-14 10:59 am
2017-11-14 11:01 am
It's a load of bullshit, obviously.
2017-11-14 6:46 pm
climate change is a constant, and not caused by humans
2017-11-14 12:02 pm
2017-11-14 11:03 am
Made up
2017-11-14 12:09 pm
Climate change is the biggest criminal scheme ever conceived. There is more proof of the Easter Bunny and Barack Obama being born in Hawaii.
2017-11-14 10:11 pm
It is real. You can read the latest unbiased scientifically supported evidence about it here, on the website of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. And an easy explanation of why it is real can be found here. In a nutshell, CO2, methane and water vapour trap heat, and oxygen and nitrogen do not. So all the stuff we are putting up there through fossil fuels and agriculture are leading to heat being trapped. Most of it is absorbed by the oceans, which is why we are seeing a dramatic rise in storms and hurricanes - though also more forest fires and so on. The only reason there is any doubt about it is that the oil industry is sponsoring websites and fake news to put out serious-looking websites and posts on the internet to promote the idea that it isn't real. To do this, they manipulate data and graphs. They use so-called scientific evidence from minor or discredited scientists to support an argument that is increasingly impossible to prop up. We are all in this together my friend. The first step is to accept is it real. The next one is to tell other people. After that, we all need to modify everything we do to reduce our dependency on fossil fuels. A brilliant way to do this, I've found, is to cut down on using my car and walk more - it keeps you fit and gives you fresh air and thinking time. Good luck.
2017-11-14 8:58 pm
It’s real believe me!
2017-11-14 8:56 pm
real just that humanity loves to shift away the blame
2017-11-14 5:55 pm
yeah, it's real. The melting of ice in atlantics make glacier.
And you know what, Jakarta is getting hotter than one decade ago.
2017-11-16 8:27 am
Yes it is both. Some is real but mostly it is a made up crapola to scare people for a very leftist political Cause.
2017-11-14 12:01 pm
2017-11-14 11:17 am
Yes increasing CO2 in the atmosphere increases warming, BUT only a tiny amount.
Satellite measurements since 1979 confirm that the world is warming by 0.13 C per Decade, that means our world could be a pleasant 1.3 degrees warmer in a hundred years time.
I sure aren't going to worry about it.
2017-11-17 9:37 pm
It is absolutely real. There is no dispute about that. The question is whether it's man made.
2017-11-16 1:43 am
made uo
2017-11-16 3:44 pm
global warming is must be real.
2017-11-16 10:18 am
100% real
2017-11-16 9:13 am
not sure but climate change seems real
2017-11-16 7:48 am
Made up
2017-11-16 7:08 am
It's real. The government's just good at hiding what's going on and using the current Twitter drama to hide what's really happening. Like the upcoming vote on net neutrality. Not a lot of people would be concerned about the climate changes and the net neutrality change because we're too busy looking at what Trump is doing to even notice.
2017-11-16 2:08 am
2017-11-15 10:34 pm
I think global warming is real.
2017-11-15 9:15 pm
Yes, because of the rising levels of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere due to things like continued burning of fossil fuels. Greenhouse gases warms up the planet by preventing heat from the sun going back into space.
While periods of extreme hot and cold have happened on earth, based on trends the Earth should be going back into a cold phase but it isn't as shown by rising average global temperature.
2017-11-15 3:08 pm
I know it is real.
2017-11-15 5:56 am
native americans were killed to steal their farmland. global warming creating farmland in canada. when will usa start killing canadians and stealing canadian farmlands?
2017-11-15 5:56 am
2017-11-15 1:35 am
It's actually a naturally occurring event that happens every year, some glaciers melt and break then freeze again. however due to recent events and data it seems to be taking to more extremes as the years pass as there are more glaciers melting then forming resulting in an unbalanced climate and the extinction of many species from temperature changes (heat waves - Cold fronts).
2017-11-14 6:36 pm
If you live on the moon, it is made up.
2017-11-15 11:34 am
I Think it is Real. Thanks
2017-11-14 10:59 am
I think it is real.
2017-11-18 6:49 pm
it is real
2017-11-16 8:49 am
Personally, I think global warming is real.

The main argument against global warming is that it is completely natural, evidence from the past shows the Earth goes through warming periods (called interglacial periods) and it goes through freezing periods (called glacial periods). The Ice Age is an example of a glacial period.

We are in an interglacial period, so it is natural for the globe to be heating up. But it's heating up too fast, with warming being accelerated by CO2 emission (pollution)

If we don't acknowledge it our Earth will eventually be similar to Venus, where it rains acid and clouds act like a blanket, trapping 99% of solar heat and extremely heating up the planet.
2017-11-16 12:15 am
i think global warming is real. but can made up.
2017-11-15 7:59 pm
the ph in the sea is getting more acidic.
2017-11-16 8:22 am
Let's put it this way, in today's science, we wouldn't need to wonder. The answer would be ALL OVER your social media home pages.
2017-11-16 5:16 am
It is real, but politicizing it is fake.
2017-11-16 3:20 am
who the f u c k cares we’re all gonna die anyways
2017-11-15 10:50 pm
I thing .
2017-11-15 8:24 pm
real but not as dangerous
2017-11-15 3:14 pm
I think global warming is real, because the sun heats up the earth, and it gets warm!
2017-11-15 2:56 pm
2017-11-15 2:43 pm
not only real but also made up
2017-11-15 1:01 pm
The earth is warming. However, I think human action contributes little if anything to such a natural cycle of fluctuating natural patterns.
2017-11-14 11:11 am
Reality. I'm just not so sure it's a human caused as many. 2012 we started entering the "Age of Aquarius". Over the next 500-700 years the polar caps will shift. This will cause plate shifts, ice caps breaking, rising waters and stronger hurricanes.
Mayans,Nostrodamus and now Stephen Hawking are using the 500-600 year time frame for global changes. Read about it. It's not just me telling you the sky is falling.

2017-11-16 8:54 am
I think it is real but i do believe that it is under control.

The reason this being is that chem trails are placed in the air because our world is at a point where we could die if the chemtrails weren’t placed in the air. It ‘fixes’ the ozone.

They are remedying the greenhouse effect produced by the exhaust from peoples cars. Very soon you will see them have formulas to create more ice at the north and South Pole. They will probably keep applying this method regularly and it will cause the earth to cool while we are warming it up.

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